sâmbătă, 25 aprilie 2009


cutremur si nimic interesant

Femeia inseala numai pe cel pe care-l iubeste, pe ceilalti ii paraseste pur si simplu.

O sa-mi ard buzele cu eter si nicotina, o sa stau pe cearceaful ala abject si-mi voi aminti de el, eutanasia eroticii, confesiunea fictiva, esoterica si cum m-a estropiat, ca pe o tarfa in esafod. Nu m-ar deranja daca peste ani o sa fiu sadica, grasa si urata. As fute la fel de ciudat si bine si as fi tot sonata; mi-as aminti de el in fiecare zi si... futu-i; in esenta e mai abominabil ca dracu, dar tot l-as lua la dragoste 24h dintr-o zi abiotica.

Whatever she wants from me
Whatever device
Whether in kindness
Whether in spite
What can I say
What can I do I can't help myself
I let the monster through

Wherever she sends me
Wherever the plane
Perfect black dress
Perfect grave
What can I say
What can I do
I did it to myself
I did it all confused

Jesus online
Wires around the world
Feel invincible
Computer car and girl
Jesus online
Wires around the world
Feel invincible
To be perfect just like you
To be perfect just like you

Whenever she comes with me
Whenever we break
Dress up my apathy
Pretend we're great, great, great

Jesus online
Arms around the world
Feel invincible
Computer carbon girl

Ma invit la un skanking si o cafea aiurea prin cearceafuri si redevin Erato si Melpomene. Imi formez o imagine in spatele retinei, e in capul meu, raman acolo, ma exilez, ies afara, pe camp, la o filipica si, chinuitor, se mai arata si Primul, honeymoon in red.
Femeia inseala numai pe cel pe care-l iubeste, pe ceilalti ii paraseste pur si simplu.

2 comentarii:

  1. Hello, I find your blog today, but I do not understand its language.poor me, however have a nice blogging and always success for you.

  2. Asa sa faci!...doar te simti bine!
    O seara/noapte minunata iti doresc!
